Hello Every One; HTML is a very important language for the persons who are interested with Internet and making websites for themselves. The word HTML is an abbreviation for Hyper Text Mark-up Language. The first thing you should know in HTML is the tag, and it is represented like < >, inside it you have to write your command Each tag has a closing tag for it and it is represented like < / > Between < > and < / > you should write the text or anything else that you are going to to do with it your command This combining expression < command >text< /command > is called the HTML code
These are the most useful codes that you should use in HTML, but be careful that there is no space between < and its following word, and between > and its previous word, but I made these spaces to allow you to see the codes.
1) Center Writing: if you write the following < center >Assaad Atwi< /center > you are going to obtain this result: Assaad Atwi 2) Coloring the Sentence:
if you write the following
< font color="blue" >Assaad Atwi< /font >
you are going to obtain this result: Assaad Atwi
note that you can replace the blue color by any other color like red, green, black, yellow, brown,pink....
you can also find some codes of colors by cilcking here Colors Codes
3) Font Size:
< font size="4" >Assaad Atwi< /font >
result is:
Assaad Atwi
4) Font Face:
< font face="Comic Sans Ms" >Assaad Atwi< /font >
result is:
Assaad Atwi
Some useful faces are: Araims, Brush Script, Bailey, Sage, Verdana, Diamond.....
5) Combining Color, Face and Size
< font color="blue" face="Comic Sans Ms" size="4" >Assaad Atwi< /font >
result is:
Assaad Atwi
6) Bold, Italic, and Underlining Texts
< b >Assaad Atwi< /b >
result is
Assaad Atwi
< i >Assaad Atwi< /i >
result is
Assaad Atwi
< u >Assaad Atwi< /u >
result is
Assaad Atwi
7) Combining of Codes:
you can use more than one command for each sentence, and consequenly more than one codes, but be careful that the closing tags should be written in an opposite arrange to the main tags
for example:
< font color="blue" face="Comic Sans Ms" size="4" >< b >< i >< u >Assaad Atwi< /u >< /i >< /b >< /font >
result is:
Assaad Atwi
8) Moving Writing:
< marquee behavior=scroll direction="the goal direction" scrollamount="speed(number)" >Sentence< /marquee >
from left to right:
< marquee behavior=scroll direction="right" scrollamount="5" >Assaad Atwi< /marquee >
result is:
from down to up: < marquee behavior=scroll direction="up" scrollamount="5" >Assaad Atwi< /marquee >
result is:
from up to down: < marquee behavior=scroll direction="down" scrollamount="5" >Assaad Atwi< /marquee >
result is:
9) Alternaing Writing:
same as above but replace scroll by alternate
from up to down:
< marquee behavior=alternate direction="down" scrollamount="5" >Assaad Atwi< /marquee >
result is:
10) Highlight Writing:
< div id='layer1' style='position:static;background-color:yellow' >Assaad Atwi< /div >
result is:
Assaad Atwi
11) Page Background
< body background="the site that the image that you want to put it as a background is located in" >
suppose that the image is in your computer and not in a website; here in freeserver, you have to appload it from your file manager, you are going to see the file in your file manager, make a right click on it and select the proerties, you are going to see a link there, copy it and paste it in its suitable place as in the above case.
12) Putting an Image:
< img src="the site that the image that you want to put is located in" >
suppose that the image is in your computer and not in a website, use what I said above.
13) Putting a Music:
< bgsound src="the site that the music that you want to put is located in" > for example
< bgsound src="www.arabtop.net/hilem.mid" >
the result is the music that you are hearing it now
if you want this music to be repeated, then you have to write the following < bgsound src="www.arabtop.net/hilem.mid" loop="3" >
you can replace 3 by the number you want
if you want it to be repeated forever, then you have to write the following < bgsound src="www.arabtop.net/hilem.mid" loop="infinite" >
suppose also that the music is in your computer and not in a website, use what I said above.
14) Relating a Websie to Your Website
< a href="The Website that you want to related to your website" >any sentence that identify us the website < /a >
for example
< a href="http://www.assaadatwi.8m.net" >Assaad Atwi< /a > will be as Assaad Atwi
if you want to open the site in a new window, you have to write as < a href="http://www.assaadatwi.8m.net" target="newwindow" >Assaad Atwi< /a > and it will be as Assaad Atwi
15) Relating Your Email to Your Website:
< a href="mailto:your email" >any sentence that identify your email< /a >
for example
< a href="mailto:assaadatwi@bintjbeil.com" >Assaad Atwi< /a > will be as Assaad Atwi
16) Coloring the Total Handwriting Except the Specified:
< style >TD,P,body {color="green" ; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-decoration: none}< /style >
result :what are you seeing now
17) Coloring the Scroll Bar:
< style >body {scrollbar-face-color: #0000FF; scrollbar-highlight-color: #FF0000; scrollbar-shadow-color: #33CC99; scrollbar-3dlight-color: #33CC99; scrollbar-arrow-color: #FFFF33; scrollbar-track-color: #FFFF33; scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #FF9933}< /style >
18) Moving to a New Line: Sometimes, when you want to move to a new line, you have to put < br > between the two lines, this tag doesn't need a closing one. for example Assaad< br >Atwi result is Assaad Atwi
19) Using the HTML Codes in Your Email: you can use all the above HTML codes in your email, but you have to put < html > at the begining of your email and < /html > at its end.
These are some of HTML codes, if you need any help click here to email me
